Our Divorce Support Group for Women

Annie's Group (1)

For women seeking structure, guidance, education, and support

As they "contemplate" .... or begin the actual divorce/separation process.

Annie’s Group® is a live, virtual group-coaching program, where it's safe to learn what is possible for your life ...

  • Legally
  • Financially
  • Emotionally
  • Practically
  • Maternally
  • And Potentially ... as a Newly, Independent Woman

Our next Annie's Group cohort is starting soon and seats are limited. Schedule your quick chat now to ask your questions and learn if Annie's Group is right for you. 


“I could not approach alone what I've gained in Annie's Group. I feel a sense of power I’ve never experienced. I've moved from being frozen and petrified to having a fire and warmth in my heart for myself and my life."

- Susan W., Washington, D.C.


“For the totality of the experience—the logistical, legal, financial, emotional, empathetic guidance and support, there’s nothing like it.”

- Colette, Minneapolis


“It’s helpful to know you are not alone, to experience the process with the wisdom and support of a group of intelligent women all on the same path. There’s a comfort in strangers, that is simply not possible with friends and family who are not themselves divorcing.”

—T.Y., New York City

Annie's Group® is about learning what is possible, and also how to make the big decision and all the little decisions along the way -- healthily.

For many participants, this is THE class they use to get organized, educated, and to create their divorce strategy.

For others, who don't know if they'll divorce or not (but who've grown tired of just thinking about it), Annie's Group teaches them about the process and what their choices genuinely are. If they do divorce down the road, they will make the decision  -- or respond to it -- from a deeply strengthened and informed place.

For those women who have no choice in the matter, the divorce is happening, Annie's Group helps them get anchored to care for  -- and also protect -- themselves.

For others beginning the divorce/separation process, Annie's Group is the rope they stay tethered to as they navigate the everyday demands of life and divorce decision-making -- all the while moving from knot to knot, taking steps and actively building their best, new independent life.


Understand the differences with your legal choices and learn which legal method (DIY, Mediation, Uncontested, Collaborative, etc.) is the best one for you and which ones to stay away from BEFORE hiring an attorney

Learn how to interview and decide on an attorney --- and especially, the best questions to ask. If you have one already, learn how to work most efficiently and cost effectively with them

Discover the vital financial resource you need to help with your money no matter how much or little you have; and gain expert insight to how to protect your money in a private financial consultation.

Understand yourself. Learn what's happening to you emotionally -- and what will continue to happen -- so you stop asking your heart to do the insurmountable; and instead, come to understand what true healing will look like

Gain the tools to truly understand stress and what is fully happening to you; so you practice self-care and stop making decisions from that charged & adrenalized place

Learn coping strategies as you put healthy boundaries in place and optimize your relationships and support network

Discover what you must know about your children's journey and how best to ensure their healing. Understand the most successful custody schedules and why they work

Create your specific goals that are right for your life -- and take healthy steps.

Secure traction toward these goals as you follow through with actionable-exercises in homework assignments

Be advised, coached and supported -- no matter which road YOU decide to take

“Since I did not choose to be separated I have felt powerless. Annie’s Group gave me a sense of “doing something”. It helped me realize I do have power in this situation and I can help myself.”

—W.J., Portland, Oregon


“Annie’s Group gave an overwhelming situation a step by step, calm process to use.”

—Elizabeth, Upstate New York


“The homework is very well structured and the suggested time-frames for speaking with our Sister Partners are a stroke of genius!”

—L.T., New York City


"... The class provided a map for all of the legal, financial and logistical issues -- the structure is AMAZING. The pre-work before intro's to outside experts, for example, meant that those meetings were super efficient and valuable."
- Val, New York City


“Annie’s Group is incredibly empowering. As if all the obstacles that stand in my way are a means to a more clear, independent, and self assured end. I never thought I would actually be "looking forward to a divorce," but here I am.”

- Alli D., San Francisco 


"... I honestly think that Annie's Group is the most valuable missing link for countless women who are facing this overwhelming life question."

- Jen D, Florida


 Private Coaching Session & Check-In :: To overcome specific challenges & fine-tune your strategy, you'll benefit from a check-in call after your Legal Education (Class 2 ), and later, a private, 30-minute coaching session with Liza Caldwell, SAS for Women Cofounder and Annie's Group leader

 To diversify your insights and identify your best financial options (and their longterm implications), you'll benefit from a confidential consultation with a (highly-vetted by SAS) financial advisor

 Be matched with 2 Sister Partners to deepen your cohort experience :: these relationships provide warmth, support and help toward actualizing your individual goals

 Outside of class, enjoy and grow from ongoing group connection through “Annie's Monthly Socials”: monthly Zoom get-togethers, thematically coordinated to promote self care, resilience building, best self reminders, and defining your "high road"

 Immersed in a community of like-minded women :: You will gain connection and strength. You will absolutely feel less isolated, less crazy, and less alone

"Annie's Group did not try to convince me of anyone else's beliefs about what I should do. It was a gift to feel less alone as I contemplate divorce. This is a group that empowers you to find the answers within."

- "Jane Smith", Springfield, PA


“I feel I’m finally starting to heal.”

- M.L., Dallas


“Annie’s Group helped me get my bearings. I felt more assured even 2/3 of the way through our class.”

—L.T., New York City


“This class has made me feel I can choose any path and come out the other side happy & complete. The program is amazing. Knowledge truly is power.”

- Maddie D., New York


"I feel light years away from when I first started Annie's Group! I know now what I have to do to be strong and centered."

- R.G., Napa, Ca.


"This class is the best thing I've done for myself on my D journey. It came at a time when I felt like I was flying blind. It has developed my knowledge base and increased my overall confidence. It also keeps me motivated to navigate the difficult steps of D."

—Louise M., Atlanta


"I feel more confident in my decision-making because the class provided understanding of the legal, financial, emotional & psychological sides of separation/divorce. There are stages and knowing those stages helped me better navigate where I was and where I want to be."

- Donna D., Santa Barbara


“I am delighted and shocked to share that I am as happy in my marriage as I’ve ever been … and, I credit it all to Annie's Group. Getting the information from lawyers and financial people gave me a picture that I could survive after divorce… but broaching the divorce conversation scared me to death.  So I decided that the two of us going to a couple’s counselor was a great on-ramp to the conversation. Turns out, I found a great therapist and my husband has really engaged in the process with me, and even started to do some of his own work. We are having better conversations and more fun than we’ve had in our whole marriage. Go figure! So thank you for everything you’ve done. Annie's Group is amazing!!”  

~ L.C., Massachusetts


"I'm embarrassed to say how long I've contemplated divorce. Annie's Group gave me the clarity, the confidence and support I needed to finally take action. For the first time in ages, I feel fearless and free!"

- Mia, Long Island


"I want to take this opportunity to thank you and SAS for providing a wonderful program such as Annie's Group. I had done quite a bit of research regarding divorce via books and Google (as well as your comprehensive website) and was at the point where I needed to seek out experts regarding my specific situation. I hesitated moving forward because I did not want to be misled. So, THANK YOU! Annie's Group has been an empowering experience, and even though we're only halfway through the program, Class #3, you have made the path to a very difficult and emotional decision so much easier! Even if I choose to stay married, I know I will be all right. And that, in itself, is quite a relief."

- Eva, Northern New Jersey

“Annie’s Group taught me I don’t have to stay isolated with my shame. I'm normal! From first session to last, I definitely feel like an internal shift has taken place." 

—Gail N., New York City

Annie's Group centers on content, connection, and action—the right action you choose, with no pressure to do anything but learn what your choices are.

TIME: 12-1:30 pm EST / 11-12:30 pm CENTRAL / 10-11:30 am MOUNTAIN / 9-10:30 am PACIFIC / 5-6:30 pm GMT

CLASSES ARE HELD ON TUESDAYS: Feb 25, Mar 11, Mar 25, April 8, April 22nd, April 29th



Our next Annie's Group cohort is starting soon and seats are limited. Schedule your quick chat now to ask your questions and learn if Annie's Group is right for you. 

All classes are recorded in case you miss one or wish to listen again to the content and stories. No one is on camera. And you are welcome to use an alias if you like. (Greta Garbo?)

LOCATION: Your safe/private space. (If you miss a class, you can always listen to the recording.)

DESIGNED FOR: Women thinking about OR women beginning the divorce or separation process. (Whether you are initiating the process or responding to your spouse's actions.)

REQUIREMENTS: A telephone or laptop, a means to take notes, and a commitment to yourself.

Annie’s Group® * is a virtual, live-coaching, divorce support group for women accessed online through Zoom. Led by SAS for Women Cofounder, Liza Caldwell, our program provides a confidential overview of what a woman must know about divorce.

Our goals are simple but life changing. We want all participants to learn about their rights and their life options so they make decisions from an informed place. Making decisions from an informed, and thus empowered place, fosters healthier outcomes for everybody.

Each month, participants have (at least) 5 deep, connecting points: 2 ninety-minute classes; 2 meetings with Sister Partners; and 1 Annie's Social. (Your privates will also happen but in a time frame that makes sense for you during the program.)  If this is too much for you, you can participate in only the classes and private meetings with experts.

Individual classes focus on an important theme followed by participants' specific questions and challenges. After class you'll be given homework and Sister Partner assignments. You'll learn the "lessons" and so much more -- by hearing from other women who share their questions, dilemmas and experiences, and who also want to support you.

Our next Annie's Group cohort is starting soon and seats are limited. Schedule your quick chat now to ask your questions and learn if Annie's Group is right for you. 

"Liza's knowledge & delivery is exceptional. Her calmness is contagious."

 - "J", New York City


“Liza facilitates a cohesive class -- and is ALSO very flexible and responsive to questions and comments. Able to be present and respond beautifully to every twist and turn, her direction in group and individually is priceless.” 

- Susan, Washington, D.C.


“Liza’s super power is that her intellect and clarity equals her compassion. It comes through in the tone of her voice and her words. She’s been here. She knows, and she wants us to know. I needed this group. For the first time in decades I have moved into doing what is (still) excruciatingly hard and necessary for my survival and growth. Today I have tangible tools to go to the scary, disjointed places, and really dig in. Explore my emotions. As Liza said, our emotions are messengers from ourself to ourself. These words penetrated to my core, and are here with me right now. And, I am holding on. Thank you so much!"

- Terry, Pacific Northwest


“Liza is clear, communicates really really well, and brings so much personal and professional experience to the table. She's extremely good at what she does."

- Alli, New York City


“Liza is compassionate, direct, and doesn’t equivocate. So grateful for her seering/searing insights.”

- Colette, Minneapolis


“Wise, practical, gentle, sincere, sympathetic, funny, strong, and flexible, Liza is a true guide. She seems to be on a mission to empower women to take charge of the parts of their situation that they have control over and to make D a little less horrible overall. She did both for me and I am very grateful.”

—Gail N., New York City


"Liza is passionate and shows great compassion. She helped me gain focus and perspective on this topic during a time when I felt like I was struggling. She helped remind me when to put the brakes on and what action I need to get done."

 - Diane, Minneapolis


"This is a very comprehensive program that drills down with real specifics. I am absolutely thrilled I took the plunge and signed up. Phenomenal female support and energy. I love Liza’s slow, serious, focused guiding throughout."

 - RBJ, New York City


“I'm in awe of Liza's ability to both empathize and give us space to share and consult, yet keep the classes on track and on time. Thanks so much for this incredible course and for creating SAS for Women -- such an amazing source of strength and grounding during a tumultuous time."

—Laurel M., Boston

Feel safe

We understand the need for privacy. You are welcome to participate using your first name only or an alias. Together, immersed in an atmosphere of sisterhood, kindness, and mutual respect, we will hold a confidentiality agreement.


You will absolutely learn more about yourself . . . be holistically educated on the divorce process . . . and experience a shift in your way of thinking and what is possible for you, or write to Liza and SAS will refund your money for remaining classes.

Please note

Due to the subject and the vulnerability of participants, we must protect the divorce support space and keep it limited.

Annie’s Group® is named after Anne Clarke of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who, on January 5, 1643, was granted the first, recorded legal divorce in the American colonies by the Quarter Court of Boston.


If you feel you must do something, but taking a three-month class is just too much right now, we get it. Consider a medium-size step. Register discreetly for our one-hour Master Class, How to Know IF Divorce is Right for You ... And What You Must Know to Do It? While not the deep dive Annie's Group is, our Master Class is full of information, advice, and helpful outside-of-class features -- like a private coaching session and a meeting with a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA). 

Taking steps and getting educated brings relief.