Our divorce recovery group for women …

Moving on after divorce. Starting over.
There are requirements ...
• Understanding what healing looks like: discovering what to shed and what to choose now
• The Pause. Appreciating it and getting comfortable with the discomfort as we embrace this moment and use it for clarity and direction
• Recognizing we are comprised of many parts and that these parts, having survived the divorce crisis, now need our full attention to heal and to adapt
• Taking stock that there is still work to do -- a conscious un-blending of who we once believed we were and who we want to be, who we truly are. The process is hard-earned, and also our most precious opportunity
This is the work of Paloma's Group.
Not your typical divorce recovery group for women.
“This group is a power-base for women to heal, to navigate rebuilding a life, to help their children cope, and to learn forgiveness. This is hard, but in Paloma’s Group, we do it by helping each other.”
~ Susan L., Los Angeles, CA
“I came here feeling like I failed. I don't feel like that anymore."
~ Neelisha, Belleville, NJ
“Surrounded by Palomas, I can honor a new sense of possibility in my life. I’m taking care of practical issues, but also getting on with the more interesting — discovering me, the woman I really am.”
~ M.Z., New York, NY
Paloma’s Group is founded on the Art of Reinvention.
The ability to decide, design, and direct one's energy toward the creation of your best, most aware, most self-directed life. What this means is that ...
For those women who initiated their divorce, Paloma's Group is a safe place to explore the feelings you are going through, the feelings that can be surprising by their weight. You will begin to metabolize what they mean and what to do with them, as you also build your independence, putting into place best practices for stability and growth.
For those women recovering from an unwanted divorce, understanding your grief and the long list of loss and losses is a process that must come first. To Paloma’s Group, you bring a willingness to explore who you are, what role you played before, and who you want to be now.
For many, Paloma is THE structure you will use to holistically rebuild your life after divorce.
For all, Paloma’s Group is the hub that cultivates the skills, know-how, and confidence to move through the “practical” requirements necessary for crafting and embodying an independent life. A life on -- and of -- one’s own. Your life.
We welcome you.
Understand what healing looks like for you specifically, and why this Pause after divorce is precious
Be supported over the course of six months, savoring the safety and community of like-minded women: women who understand you, because they too are emerging from divorce and the impact of COVID-19
Finalize ALL details from the divorce or separation. Get clear on where you are going as you establish stability and implement best practices for independent living
Address your most vital needs. Understand your financial picture by meeting and learning from a certified financial advisor in Paloma's Group. Put in place your smartest plan for committed growth and optimal well-being
Break the cycle of "being stuck." Learn how to acknowledge the pain and anger and the messages they're trying to teach you. Engage, transform, and release them
Come to understand, move and grow through the unique dynamics of heartache. Your grief and what exactly you are grieving may stun you
Consider the meaning you gave to your marriage and its break up, how you were raised to “think” about divorce, and how to respond to your Ex now in healthier ways
Re-connect with self. Experience life-changing coaching exercises and reclaim those parts of you that you long ago ignored or gave up
Stop blaming others. Understand your needs as you embrace your emotions and nurture your intuition. As you do, you'll practice boundary setting, ridding yourself more of both toxic people and your toxic reactions
Understand what forgiveness truly is as you take steps to rehabilitate meaningful relationships -- with your children, family and friends
Discover who your best self is, be HER, so you can support your children and call the right people into your life
Soothe your loneliness and sense of isolation as you share your experience and hear from others in Paloma's Group. Together, determine more ways and other activites that will stretch you and help you find more of your tribe
Learn the 5-7 most critical insights to you that will help you understand what you must have in your life ... to flourish. This self knowledge will advance your connecting with the right people in your life, it will further your career, its reinvention, or help you with going back to work. Even if you are finished with "working", you're retired (brava!), these insights to self will ensure you give inspired meaning to your days
Explore independence as a single woman and learn what you must know about dating, and in particular online dating. Learn how to create a simple but unique online dating profile, and get answers to bigger questions, like How do you get back out there? Do you even need to?
Retrain your brain. Learn how to see the opportunities around you and become proactive instead of reactive
Be part of the positive loop cycle of Paloma's Group. Inspire and be inspired by others as you cultivate the confidence to take real steps
And finally, gain the energy, courage and clarity to move forward with momentum, depth and grace
“I can't say enough about the power of being with like-minded women. I've got plenty of friends with opinions on what I should be doing -- "Move on,"they say."Get over him," but they know nothing -- as much as they mean well. With my Sisters in Paloma, there seems to be this built-in understanding that we're taking each other's hand and stepping into this brave unknown together. I'm no longer alone."
~ Jenny K., Madrid, Spain
~Dori B., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
“ … Although each of our stories is different, we have the same goal of redefining ourselves. It’s so inspiring to hear each other’s dreams and to be supported with feedback on our own. And the most amazing thing is the bond that’s developed between us.”
~ K.M., New York, New York
Paloma’s Group™
A divorce recovery group for women seeking action, healing & community
Set the mood! We invite you to play this link and keep reading below.
Time: 12-1:30 pm EST / 11-12:30 pm CENTRAL / 10-11:30 am MOUNTAIN / 9-10:30 am PACIFIC / 5-6:30 pm GMT
CLASSES ARE ON WEDNESDAYS: Jan 22, feb 5, march 12, april 2, may 7, june 4
SOCIALS ARE HELD AT THESE SAME TIMES BUT ON OTHER WEDNESDAYs: January 29, February 19, March 26, April 16, May 14, June 11
Location: Your safe/private space (if you miss a class, catch the recording later)
Designed for: Single, independent women who are legally divorced or legally separated
*Note: Our first class and fifth classes are two hours long. All others are 1.5 hours long.
One of the most powerful ways women cope with crisis is by connecting with other women.
So, it makes sense that when we ask women what they want most when rebuilding their lives after divorce, they tell us, "It’s to find other women." They are searching for community. They want a place where there’s instant connection, because of the story they’ve each lived through.
This is the foundation of Paloma’s Group.
Through six, live, interactive classes with visuals and sharing, followed by Socials and small group discussions, we will meet virtually 3x a month for six months.
In between classes, you'll take personal steps suggested in the home prep and benefit from regular Sister Partner conversations using scripts as a launching pad for deeper discussion, support, and accountability. As well, you'll take advantage of your private consultations and enjoy a monthly "Paloma Social" with the other ladies in your cohort.
Paloma’s GroupTm is created and facilitated by SAS for Women Cofounder, Liza Caldwell, an educator and professional divorce coach.
Both the divorce recovery group for women, Paloma's GroupTM and the divorce group for women, Annie's Group® are based on Caldwell's personal experiences, her professional work with divorce clients since 2012, and the four common functions of successful social support models. These include emotional, informational, instrumental, and affiliational pieces (Cobb, 1976; Salzer, 2002):
- Emotional: our groups explore feelings and support the understanding of their messaging. Women also benefit from the caring and empathy shared in their live interactions with group members.
- Informational: the sharing of black & white information, facts and knowledge are critical to advancing participants planning and movement in pursuit of goals.
- Instrumental: the action steps discovered through coaching exercises and homework requests provide real life application or training.
- Affiliational: our divorce & divorce recovery groups for women provide contact with experts to further specialized problem-solving with particular challenges. And within our groups, a community is cultivated with a shared sense of belonging and mutual support.
"My friends and family are tired of hearing my story. And my church has no clue what to do with me. There’s a stigma attached to divorce still. Paloma’s Group is the caring, supportive environment I’ve been searching for. It’s women who get it!"
~ Melanie D., Charlotte, North Carolina
~ K.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan
~ Cèira Carmichĕl, Charleston, South Carolina
“Are you kidding me? I'd absolutely recommend compassionate, safe, nonjudgemental Paloma’s Group to any woman who is dealing with what comes next after divorce. You need your tribe.”
~ D.S., Key West, Florida
Find deeper meaning in this place your find yourself now
Black & White Take Aways
6 Classes During 6 Months = 10 hours of class content, guest speakers, feedback, & wise conversation dedicated to rebuilding your life holistically and healthily
2 Private, 30-minute, coaching sessions w/ SAS Cofounder Liza Caldwell, providing you with direct 1:1 support for challenging situations
1 Best Financial Practice Consultation with an Expert Financial Advisor.
Sister Partnerships: develop and grow from specific small group discussions that provide for mutual accountability, fire and support
6 Socials During 6 Months = 9 hours of going deep. Experience joy and the power of "being seen and heard" through our popular "Paloma's Monthly Socials": our monthly Zoom get-togethers, thematically coordinated by and for the cohort
Feel safe
We understand the need for privacy. Paloma's Group is a safe and secure place to be completely honest and to say exactly what you're feeling. Immersed in an atmosphere of sisterhood and mutual respect, we will hold a confidentiality agreement. You are also welcome to participate using your first name only or a pseudonym.
You will absolutely learn more about yourself, feel better, sleep better . . . and importantly, experience a shift in your way of thinking about what is possible for your life, or write to Liza and SAS will refund your money for the remaining classes.
Please note
Due to the subject and the vulnerability of participants, we must protect the divorce support space and keep our circle limited.
“I was so glad to know that I wouldn't need food stamps any time soon and that, I'm in better financial shape than I thought!"
~ Lisa Stallings, Houston, Texas
“… The class flow was excellent -- we had “lessons” on self-development, finances, dating, parenting, and our emotional journeys. Later we spoke privately with experts, specifically about our circumstances, bringing the lessons "home" to our personal lives. And even though I am not ready to start dating -- what I learned piqued my interest. I might actually try it down the road after I spend more time on me.”
~ K.M., New York, New York
“I came here terrified that I would hurt the kids beyond repair with the divorce and now I'm not panicked about that anymore. I also know with certainty that I have no regrets, my divorce was the right thing to do."
~ M.T., New York, New York
"This deep work is contagious. Like working on myself has made me a better judge of character and in turn a better listener and friend to others."
~ Hannah P., Bismarck, North Dakota
“Having the "Sisters" to talk to has made more of an impact on how I feel about being divorced than anything I've done in the past several years, including lots of therapy! Thank you for this amazing program, and Liza for your nonjudgemental support and encouragement."
~ S.G., Santa Clara County, California
"I am close to tears thinking back on my trembling self when I joined Paloma's Group. And so proud of where I am now, where many women you know are now, emerging stronger at the broken part. I know for certain that through my work with you, I’m stronger and live a deeper life now than I’d thought possible. Paloma saved me during this last year of divorcing and continues to help me face the new challenges of single-life with integrity and purpose. Paloma Sisters are different from talking with girlfriends--my Sisters deeply relate to what has happened in each of our marriages and hold out hope for moving forward. We spend the time we need together, offering each other support and ideas. If we want to be held accountable for a goal, we do that also. What a fine celebration when one of us achieves it. I never thought a divorce group would deliver such a collection of open-minded, supportive and funny, fine women!!!!! Thank you for an amazing program.
I 1000% recommend Paloma's Group and SAS for Women."
~ Julia Towles, Boston, Massachusetts
“I used to be looking back, constantly. My Sister Palomas have shifted my attention to now and to my future. And for that I am eternally grateful.”
~ L.C., San Antonio, Texas
SAS for Women has propelled me into my future with the most incredible tools to navigate a second lease on life in a uniquely positive, encouraging, and empowered way. The teachings and sessions have impacted me in a more unprecedented way than I could have ever imagined. I cannot recommend Liza more strongly as a coach. Her sensitivity and growth-building techniques span multiple modalities that allow you to take charge of your future when you are tumbling with the absolute worst situations a woman can be thrown into. She is more than equipped to assist and redirect women into their own energy when the world seems upside down. Arrive with the intention of being teachable. Be prepared to have your deep, personally held belief systems challenged and your progress in life will not suffer. I could not have come as far as I did without SAS for Women. Thank you Liza, for your expertise and loving kindness!!"
~ Carolyn F., Missouri
Are you ready to create the woman you want to be?
Paloma's Group is offered only 1x per year.
Schedule your quick chat to consider joining our upcoming cohort. Seats are limited.