Modern Living


Dating a Man Who is Going Through a Divorce

Dating a Man Who is Going Through a Divorce

This is one of those relationship scenarios for which I…

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What Does the Process of Divorce Look Like?

What Does the Process of Divorce Look Like?

If the idea of getting a divorce has crossed your…

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The Collaborative Divorce Model: What Women Should Know

The Collaborative Divorce Model: What Women Should Know

Divorce is undoubtedly one of the most emotionally and financially…

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Divorced Women and Finances: Navigating the Path Forward

Divorced Women and Finances: Navigating the Path Forward

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience for…

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Emotional Cheating: Infidelity in the Modern Marriage

Emotional Cheating: Infidelity in the Modern Marriage

That divorce has become common is not news, and neither…

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Maximizing Your Divorce Settlement with a Forensic Accountant

Maximizing Your Divorce Settlement with a Forensic Accountant

So, you’re getting a divorce. Divorce proceedings often involve complex…

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Divorce in Singapore: What a Woman Must Know

Divorce in Singapore: What a Woman Must Know

Love can touch us at the deepest levels of our…

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Sexless Marriages: Where Does Disinclination Really Begin?

Sexless Marriages: Where Does Disinclination Really Begin?

Whether it’s a matter of a sexless marriage, sex in…

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How to Save Money When Travelling Solo After a Divorce

How to Save Money When Traveling Solo After a Divorce

Traveling solo after a divorce can be a healing and…

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What are the Rights of a Custodial Parent?

What are the Rights of a Custodial Parent?

A “custodial parent” is the legal term that represents the…

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Single After Divorce: 6 Easy Ways to Recommit to Summer

Single After Divorce: 6 Easy Ways to Recommit to Summer

Summer is here, whether our vulnerability is ready for it…

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Your Ex-Husband’s Harassment: How to Deal with It Emotionally and Legally

Your Ex-Husband’s Harassment: How to Deal with It Emotionally and Legally

Nobody ever talks about the harassment you face after your…

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How to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless

How to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless

There’s a twilight period in life when hope seems like…

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Solo Travel After Divorce: Finding Yourself, Faraway

Solo Travel After Divorce: Finding Yourself, Faraway

Not long after my marriage broke up at age 46,…

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Divorce for Women: Why It’s Different

Divorce for Women: Why It’s Different

For more reasons than we can explain, when it comes…

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How to (Smartly) Plan for a Divorce When It’s Not What You Want

How to (Smartly) Plan for a Divorce When It’s Not What You Want

Even if whispered, the word “divorce” when it’s said to…

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Child Custody in Illinois: What You Must Know as a Mom

Child Custody in Illinois: What You Must Know as a Mom

Every state has its own laws in dealing with divorce…

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How Many Divorces Are Recorded Each Year and Other Curious Statistics

How Many Divorces Are Recorded Each Year and Other Curious Statistics

Did you know that yours (… if you go there)…

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