Modern Living


Divorce Counseling: Is it for You … or Both of You?

Divorce Counseling: Is it for You … or Both of You?

In the heart of considering a life-altering event like divorce,…

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Are Divorce Records Public?

Are Divorce Records Public?

In today’s hyperconnected world, we all have privacy concerns. It…

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What is Financial Infidelity? A Guide for Its Afterward

What is Financial Infidelity? A Guide for Its Afterward

Infidelity, a word often associated with secret romantic affairs, manifests…

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Divorced and Dating After 50: What Women Must Know

Divorced and Dating After 50: What Women Must Know

Embarking on the journey of being divorced and dating after…

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US Alimony Can Vary Over $1K a Month from State to State

US Alimony Can Vary Over $1K a Month from State to State

If you’re a typical divorcing woman in the U.S., you…

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How to Tell Your Child You’re Dating After Divorce

How to Tell Your Child You’re Dating After Divorce

Many children of divorced parents dream that their mom and…

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Sample Divorce Paperwork, Questions, and Scenarios: What’s Their Value?

Sample Divorce Paperwork, Questions, and Scenarios: What’s Their Value?

When navigating a divorce on your own, without the help…

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Leaving the Divorce Behind with Solo Travel

Leaving the Divorce Behind with Solo Travel

I got divorced in 2011. It was difficult, painful, and…

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What Happens After You Serve Your Spouse Divorce Papers?

What Happens After You Serve Your Spouse Divorce Papers?

The decision to serve divorce papers is a profound one,…

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When to Walk Away After Infidelity

When to Walk Away After Infidelity

Embarking on a journey through valleys of betrayal and disappointment…

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Divorce at Different Life Stages for Women

Divorce at Different Life Stages for Women

Navigating through divorce at different  life stages for women presents…

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How Do I Manage Divorce on My Own?

How Do I Manage Divorce on My Own?

In recent times, there’s been a noticeable shift toward couples…

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The Decisive Value of Decentering Men from Your Life

The Decisive Value of Decentering Men from Your Life

I feel the buzz of excitement from within, in anticipation…

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Divorce Effects on Children: What You Must Know

Divorce Effects on Children: What You Must Know

Divorce is a massive change for every member of the…

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The Single Woman's Guide to Surviving the Holidays

The Single Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

Well, single ladies, we’ve only got about 6 weeks to…

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What Happens in a Contested Divorce?

What Happens in a Contested Divorce?

Whether you’re thinking about getting a divorce or have started…

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Do Women Regret Divorce?

Do Women Regret Divorce?

Regret is paying a toll over and over again to…

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How to Plan for a Divorce

How to Plan for a Divorce

Deciding to plan for a divorce is significant and emotionally…

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