Getting a Divorce

Getting a Divorce is stressful. Here are some articles to help.

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Trial Separation Checklist: 8 Things to Consider

Trial Separation Checklist: 8 Things to Consider

When you start having problems with your marriage it can be so confusing that your mind and heart spin, often in conflict. And when those problems continue over months or years, with no real progress or resolution, it’s natural that a part of you might jump to the idea of divorce. That’s one way out…

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Sole Custody v Full Custody: What’s the Difference

Sole Custody v Full Custody: What's the Difference

As a parent, you want to be involved in your child’s life. Divorce oftentimes makes this difficult. When you decide to go through with a divorce and you have a child below the age of 18, custody matters come into play, which can oftentimes be very challenging. Do you get sole, partial custody, or supervised…

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What is a Divorce Doula?

What is a Divorce Doula?

One would think that giving birth is one thing, and getting divorced is another subject entirely. However, the name “doula” has recently been associated with these life changes. The name ‘doula’ has long been used to describe a midwife who assists a woman in giving birth. Now, the term describes coaches who help women transition…

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Cultural Tradition and the Divorcing Woman: 5 Must-Knows

Cultural Tradition and the Divorcing Woman: 5 Must-Knows

Divorce can be an isolating experience, especially when cultural tradition and the divorcing woman are at odds. When I informed my family of my divorce back in India, I remember feeling ashamed, before anything else. There were no comforting gazes, sympathetic pats on my back, or consoling words—only questions. “Why?” It was on the tip…

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Divorce Mediation: The Pros and Cons for a Woman

Divorce Mediation: The Pros and Cons for a Woman

Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is an attractive option to litigation in virtually all aspects of life. It has become increasingly common in employment and contract disputes. Another area where mediation is becoming popular is divorce. For some, it offers a more cost-effective, quicker, and kinder process than court litigation. Mediation is a cooperative,…

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Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

I’m not friends with my Ex. Yes, we’re civil, but there’s a line he isn’t allowed to cross, and I’m very strict about it. We have a gorgeous daughter together, and for that reason, we’ve always been respectful. When she was younger, we’d celebrate her birthday as a ‘family’, and this annual restaurant dinner would…

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What is a 70/30 Custody Schedule?

What is a 70/30 Custody Schedule?

Divorce is hard, but dealing with a divorce and child custody can be overwhelming and emotionally triggering. Let’s face it, this isn’t about splitting your money (though that’s infuriating, too). This is about your children, their future, and your access to them now. Every parent is worried about how to co-parent and make the best…

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What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

A custody battle is exactly what it sounds like. It is a high-conflict court case where the parties are litigating who should have custody of the children. It can lead to extreme stress, anger, hostility, mistrust in one another, and frequently, mistrust in the judicial system tasked with making and enforcing important decisions for your…

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What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

I remember distinctly what I wore to court a quarter of a century ago when my divorce was finalized. It was a simple black just-over-the-knee dress subtly patterned with little pink roses, flesh-colored pantyhose, and sensible black low-heeled pumps. Over the dress, I wore a smart black jacket. I’d cut my hair recently into a…

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