How Many Marriages End in Divorce? The US vs The World
As I sit quietly at Marissa’s wedding reception on the Upper East Side, the room is filled with laughter and romance. I look down at my blue, satin bridesmaid dress that I purchased for her special day — for the third time. Or is it the fourth? I can’t remember, but I pray I’m looking…
Read MoreAre Women Happier After Divorce?
Divorce is always a topic that comes with a lot of emotional baggage and societal judgments — especially for women. And if you landed on this page, you might be thinking about divorce or just beginning the process (stay strong!). In either case, it is natural to wonder about the future and its unpredictability. You…
Read MoreWhat is Considered Child Abandonment in a Divorce?
Divorce isn’t easy, and when you are thinking about it or even in the midst of it, it’s natural that concerns for your children are particularly pressing. One of the worst fears you might torment yourself with is child abandonment in a divorce. What happens down the road when you lose control of what your child…
Read MoreWhat is a Prenup? And How It Could Help You Down the Road
Let’s accept that you are not tying the knot to one day, untie it and get divorced. No one expects their marriage to unravel, but as life evolves, this could unexpectedly happen for whatever reason. And if it does, the fears around the financial burden you might face could make you feel lost and unprotected.…
Read MoreWhat Is Emotional Cheating and Are You Suffering From It?
Claire sits across from her husband, Peter, as his iPhone dings for the third consecutive time. They’re trying to enjoy their monthly date night at the trendy French bistro on the Upper West Side. Claire notices he no longer allows his notifications to dance across the screen—this has been going on for the past couple…
Read MoreWhat is a Contested Divorce?
As you think about, or begin the divorce process, you’ve probably heard the words “contested divorce”. This may leave you wondering, what the heck is a contested divorce? Aren’t most divorces adversarial by nature? (Things are ending and chances are you don’t agree on things, terms, or who will get the cat.) If so, isn’t…
Read MoreFinding Love After Divorce: 6 Women Tell Their Truths
Finding love after divorce is like maneuvering through a minefield. After the trauma of separation and starting a new life, it’s hard to believe that one day you’ll be ready to be part of a new relationship. But many people do tackle the dating game and find new soulmates, companions, and surprising friends. As a…
Read MoreWhat are the No-Fault Divorce States in the US?
When deciding to file for divorce, most of us feel lost. Divorce isn’t typically part of the marriage plan, but life changes, and you may have to face it. As you learn about the process, you may find the nuances of how to file and the different types of divorces complicated. This article will focus…
Read MoreDivorce Care for You and the Women You Love
So, you have come to the conclusion that you need to divorce your spouse. You are in shock that your marriage has come to this, it feels like a death has taken place. Your thoughts and feelings are racing and the practical side of things can seem so hard to manage. It can be chaotic.…
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