What are Irreconcilable Differences? Do They Apply to You?

Irreconcilable differences

Legal language concerning divorce is often hard to decipher. So when you stumble upon the term “irreconcilable differences,” it can take some time to get to the bottom of it. What is it? Should you use it in your divorce? What benefits can it bring you? Read on to find out. What’s the Meaning of…

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Do Stay-at-Home Moms Get Alimony?

Stay at home. moms get alimony?

Complications always arise in divorce and money negotiations. If you’re one of the 25% of American mothers staying home to raise a family, the financial implications of a split become more complex. Stay-at-home moms will have to plan their financial futures accordingly. If you didn’t have an iron-clad prenuptial agreement in place when you married,…

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Annie’s Group

Annie's Group

Our Divorce Support Group for Women For women seeking structure, guidance, education, and support As they “contemplate” …. or begin the actual divorce/separation process. Annie’s Group® is a live, virtual group-coaching program, where it’s safe to learn what is possible for your life … Legally Financially Emotionally Practically Maternally And Potentially … as a Newly,…

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