What are Irreconcilable Differences? Do They Apply to You?

Irreconcilable differences

Legal language concerning divorce is often hard to decipher. So when you stumble upon the term “irreconcilable differences,” it can take some time to get to the bottom of it. What is it? Should you use it in your divorce? What benefits can it bring you? Read on to find out. What’s the Meaning of…

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5 Self-Saving Ways to Stop Gaslighting Yourself

stop gaslighting yourself

Ahh, the gaslighters of the world! They brighten or dampen the flame according to their own agenda and leave their targets rubbing their eyes and wondering… what just happened? It’s subtle at times, egregiously blatant at others. But it’s always a twisted manipulation that makes you second-guess yourself. And, once you’ve become accustomed to doubting…

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What is an Amicable Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure One

Amicable Divorce

When seeking a divorce, many couples do everything within their power to simplify the process. And the simplest solution is an amicable divorce, which may significantly facilitate the overall proceedings. And yet, it may not be that easy to reach an agreement regarding all your divorce-related issues, especially following a heated breakup. Nevertheless, there are…

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The Stages of Surviving An Affair

Surviving an Affair

Relationships can be complicated. At the very least, they’re complex because people are complex. And at no time is that more evident than when a married couple is in the throes of surviving an affair. This includes opposing sides of the betrayal, and a possible re-negotiation of commitment to the marriage. Infidelity used to be…

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5 Must Do’s for Selling the House During a Divorce

Selling the house during divorce

When going through divorce, one of many steps to contend with is dividing the marital assets. Oftentimes, the biggest of those marital assets is your house. However, your home is not the same as a bank account or a retirement account for many reasons, the most important being that there is an emotional connection to…

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Top Reasons for Divorce. Are You Living This?

Top reasons for divorce

Suspicious of getting trapped in a marriage that might erode, my friend and I used to joke that we could get our peers to leave a perfectly good relationship. In remaining single, we weren’t necessarily afraid of the infamous “Top Five Reasons” for divorce. It was more of a disinclination to trade freedom for emotional…

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Public Divorce Records: How to Protect Your Privacy

Public Divorce Records

Privacy is a topic of concern for many, especially as the world moves further into the digital era. Many aspects of our lives are searchable, sometimes even without our knowledge, as certain information is considered public domain. Knowing this, the concern for privacy can make going through a divorce that much more difficult to endure.…

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8 Elements of Divorce and War

War and divorce

We often say that a bad relationship or divorce can feel like war. It does. I was looking at a man, face red with rage, justifying his aggression with ideas only he could understand. I saw an entitled man, a self-centered, vindictive, and self-righteous man. He was a man of influence and uncontested power. A…

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How Does an Online Divorce Work and Should You Get One?

Online Divorce - Getting a Divorce | SAS For Women

Many couples look for ways to save time, effort, and money when going through a divorce. Why should spouses overpay if they can avoid expenses? Fortunately, in the 21st century, various tools exist to simplify the divorce process—for example, professional mediation and online divorce. Let’s focus on online divorce help. It sounds tempting; however, many…

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