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How to Handle Divorce as a Woman
I know about hindsight – that feeling that if I’d known, I could have tackled a situation so much better. This guide on how to handle a divorce as a woman will give you the information upfront so that, after the fact, you don’t need to wonder what it could have been like if only…
Read MoreWhat is Alimony and How Long Does it Last?
For many women facing divorce, their top fears revolve around their children (if they have them) and how the situation might affect them. And, of course, the money and finances. Drilling down more, women often ask us about the differences between alimony, spousal support, and spousal maintenance. These are interchangeable terms depending on the state…
Read MoreThe Best Books on Divorce for Women
I hadn’t read books on divorce when I divorced my Ex. I’m sorry I didn’t read any – books showing how to solve problems related to dissolving your marriage and looking after your kids’ best interests. Perhaps I’d have coped better if I had, or maybe I would have looked at my circumstances differently. I…
Read MoreI am So Depressed and Lonely in My Marriage
I’ve always believed marriage was supposed to be a partnership, but it was hard to feel that I was part of a couple when things weren’t working in my own. What I expected to happen – supporting each other in a partnership, being together, being mutually respected – wasn’t my reality. I was often depressed…
Read MoreWhat is a Divorce Photoshoot? And Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?
You may remember the “Drive-Thru Wedding” trend that was so popular for couples during the pandemic, where lovebirds got hitched without ever leaving their car. But now, the latest hot trend is for divorced women—introducing the divorce photoshoot, a celebration of new beginnings after one of the most difficult times in their lives. As they…
Read MoreThe Single Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays
Well, single ladies, we’ve only got about 6 weeks to get ready for Christmas and 2 weeks for Thanksgiving. Since we’re flying solo, with kids or without, divorced or just solitary, it’s time to dive into the Single Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays. Break out your Excel sheets, budget planners, and the Xanax. Oh,…
Read MoreHow to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless
There’s a twilight period in life when hope seems like a forgotten concept, swallowed up in the dense fog of despair. Divorce – even the mere thought of it – can feel like walking a tightrope in that very twilight. It’s the precipice of losing what you had, the leaving of what you thought was…
Read MoreDating After Gray Divorce: Must-Knows for Thinking Women
We’ve followed our gut instinct, embraced the chaos, and gotten the divorce after decades of marriage. We’ve upended everything we knew and encountered many things we didn’t. Now, we’ve run smack into what many think might be the worst of the what-next: dating after gray divorce. Challenging the Notions of “Gray Dating” & Exploring the…
Read MoreBad Marriage: The Real Impact and What to Do About It
Good, bad, fantastic, toxic, perfect, insufferable. We are all guilty of tossing around descriptors as if our personal interpretations are facts. Descriptions of relationships are no different. New partners are somehow always “perfect” in the beginning. But then, fast forward years past “I do,” and those same can-do-no-wrong destiny-makers are suddenly bad marriage antagonists. As…
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