Divorce Laws in the United States: Then and Now

divorce laws

While divorce today has become rather common, it was once considered a taboo practice—prohibited by law in much of recorded history. And while there were some exceptions to this ancient rule, divorces were very rare and difficult to obtain—especially for women. Let’s take a look at divorce laws in the United States in particular, and…

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How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer

How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer

Getting a divorce can be a lonely, overwhelming process. Navigating it alone can make it even more frightening. If you, like a lot of women, experienced a power challenge in your marriage (perhaps your spouse handled all the finances, or was a bully, or hid things, or lied), these are still more reasons why you…

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Will My Spouse Get My IRA in a Divorce?

Will my spouse get my IRA in a divorce?

Divorce can have a serious impact on your life and in particular your retirement plan. More often than not, when you go through a divorce, a large percentage of your shared assets include your retirement accounts. This often leads to the question, “Will my spouse get my IRA in a divorce?” In this article, I…

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Divorce Papers: What the Heck Are They?

Divorce papers by Graham for Unsplash

While no two divorces are exactly alike, one aspect always stays the same: the paperwork. You hear the term “divorce papers” casually thrown around all the time in movies, TV shows, or by gossipy neighbors. But what actually are divorce papers? It is tricky to know exactly what they are because it is such a…

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6 Essential Things to Know About an Illinois Divorce

Essential things about Divorce in Illinois

Divorce is confusing. What makes it even more confusing is that every state has different divorce laws. There is little to no standardization in divorce law across the country. To help yourself in the process, it is crucial that you know the specific divorce laws for your state, and an Illinois divorce has its own…

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What are Irreconcilable Differences? Do They Apply to You?

Irreconcilable differences

Legal language concerning divorce is often hard to decipher. So when you stumble upon the term “irreconcilable differences,” it can take some time to get to the bottom of it. What is it? Should you use it in your divorce? What benefits can it bring you? Read on to find out. What’s the Meaning of…

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What is an Amicable Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure One

Amicable Divorce

When seeking a divorce, many couples do everything within their power to simplify the process. And the simplest solution is an amicable divorce, which may significantly facilitate the overall proceedings. And yet, it may not be that easy to reach an agreement regarding all your divorce-related issues, especially following a heated breakup. Nevertheless, there are…

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Public Divorce Records: How to Protect Your Privacy

Public Divorce Records

Privacy is a topic of concern for many, especially as the world moves further into the digital era. Many aspects of our lives are searchable, sometimes even without our knowledge, as certain information is considered public domain. Knowing this, the concern for privacy can make going through a divorce that much more difficult to endure.…

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What is a Contested Divorce?

What is a Contested Divorce?

When making the decision to divorce, it can be uncomfortable, overwhelming, and downright scary. During a period of time in which you need wise counsel and support from loved ones, it is commonplace to be bombarded with the divorce horror stories of others, which then restrict your ability to make a truly informed decision that…

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