Getting a Divorce

Getting a Divorce is stressful. Here are some articles to help.

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How to Bring Up Divorce

how to bring up divorce

Divorce is not—no matter the circumstance—going to be an easy subject to bring up with your soon-to-be Ex. While you might be fed up with your husband* and, without a doubt, want a divorce, you’re afraid that using the dreaded D-word is going to hurt or shock your partner. You want to bring up divorce,…

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Divorce: How to Get Over a Breakup When You Feel Abandoned

How to recover from a divorce break up if you feel abandoned.

Often when you are reading about divorce and the woman’s perspective, many stories assume that the woman was unhappy and that she was the one who left the marriage. The research supports this, that women initiate divorce more often than men. And at SAS, we certainly work with women who feel and act on this.…

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Divorce and Depression: What to Look for and How to Cope

Divorce and depression

Divorce and depression are inseparable for almost everyone. The ending of—or even the thought of ending—your marriage is incredibly sad because it’s the death of your dreams of being happy together and basking in the love you thought you had found. But depression caused by divorce is not the same as what we commonly think…

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Freezing Your Eggs in the Event of Divorce

Freezing your eggs

Change is a reality. Sometimes, we want to embrace it to help us grow and mature while other times change comes at the worst possible moments and in the worst possible ways. Just when we think we have a handle on how things should and will go, everything goes off-kilter. When you were growing up,…

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How Much Does a Divorce Cost?


How much does a divorce cost? is one of the first questions we often hear when a woman makes contact with us, while “how long will a divorce take?” is a close second. We wish there were a menu to refer you to, so you could evaluate your choices and pick and choose items à…

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