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How to Survive Divorce in 11 Soul-Affirming Ways

How to Survive Divorce in 11 Soul-Affirming Ways

You’ve probably heard that half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. That’s not quite true. It’s 43% of all first marriages end in divorce according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Is it a disease, getting divorced? That’s another article. What matters is that divorce is a fact in modern…

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Gray Divorce: 10 Must Knows for Women

Gray Divorce: 10 Must Knows for Women

Even if you spend a fortune having your gray roots tinted every month, this doesn’t mean your divorce will be harder than if you were in your thirties or forties. On the contrary, gray hair – and a gray divorce, considered a divorce at age 50 or older – are a state of mind. Sure,…

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Are Women Happier After Divorce?

Are Women Happier After Divorce?

Divorce is always a topic that comes with a lot of emotional baggage and societal judgments — especially for women. And if you landed on this page, you might be thinking about divorce or just beginning the process (stay strong!). In either case, it is natural to wonder about the future and its unpredictability. You…

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What is Considered Child Abandonment in a Divorce?

What is Considered Child Abandonment in a Divorce?

Divorce isn’t easy, and when you are thinking about it or even in the midst of it, it’s natural that concerns for your children are particularly pressing. One of the worst fears you might torment yourself with is child abandonment in a divorce. What happens down the road when you lose control of what your child…

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The Single Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

The Single Woman's Guide to Surviving the Holidays

Well, single ladies, we’ve only got about 6 weeks to get ready for Christmas and 2 weeks for Thanksgiving. Since we’re flying solo, with kids or without, divorced or just solitary, it’s time to dive into the Single Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays. Break out your Excel sheets, budget planners, and the Xanax. Oh,…

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How to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless

How to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless

There’s a twilight period in life when hope seems like a forgotten concept, swallowed up in the dense fog of despair. Divorce – even the mere thought of it – can feel like walking a tightrope in that very twilight. It’s the precipice of losing what you had, the leaving of what you thought was…

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Dating After Gray Divorce: Must-Knows for Thinking Women

Dating After Gray Divorce: Must-Knows for Thinking Women

We’ve followed our gut instinct, embraced the chaos, and gotten the divorce after decades of marriage. We’ve upended everything we knew and encountered many things we didn’t. Now, we’ve run smack into what many think might be the worst of the what-next: dating after gray divorce. Challenging the Notions of “Gray Dating” & Exploring the…

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