Life After Divorce

Browse Articles on the topic of Life After Divorce

My Husband Destroyed Me Emotionally

Recently, two people wrote me. One was a woman who shared, “My husband destroyed me emotionally. How do I ever move on?” And ironically the other was a man, who said, “Women don’t have a monopoly on being abused.” My heart goes out to both of these brave people who are suffering, and to others…

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4 Things to Help You Heal from Divorce

4 Things to Help You Heal from Divorce

There are 4 things that can help you heal from a divorce. You may be laughing as you read that, feeling like you are not in need of reading this post. Why? Because you are feeling peace as you say goodbye to your old way of life. As you look toward your future, you might…

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What’s a New Name for Your Ex? A Cathartic Comedy

New names for your Ex

They say it’s hard to know what to buy for someone who has everything. By the same token, it’s hard to know what to call a spouse whose exit from our daily lives and those of our children seems to shatter everything. Sometimes, though, it’s gleefully easy to call your Ex any number of names. But…

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5 Self-Saving Ways to Stop Gaslighting Yourself

stop gaslighting yourself

Ahh, the gaslighters of the world! They brighten or dampen the flame according to their own agenda and leave their targets rubbing their eyes and wondering… what just happened? It’s subtle at times, egregiously blatant at others. But it’s always a twisted manipulation that makes you second-guess yourself. And, once you’ve become accustomed to doubting…

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8 Elements of Divorce and War

War and divorce

We often say that a bad relationship or divorce can feel like war. It does. I was looking at a man, face red with rage, justifying his aggression with ideas only he could understand. I saw an entitled man, a self-centered, vindictive, and self-righteous man. He was a man of influence and uncontested power. A…

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