Sexless Marriages: Where Does Disinclination Really Begin?
Whether it’s a matter of a sexless marriage, sex in the marriage, or simply sex in general, there is so much to say that books could be written for another millennia before women finally embrace a full healing and a reclaiming of this intrinsic part of our humanity. And as much as it would be…
Read MoreHow to Save Money When Traveling Solo After a Divorce
Traveling solo after a divorce can be a healing and empowering experience. It offers the opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and the chance to explore the world at your own pace. While traveling alone may seem more expensive without a partner to share costs, it doesn’t have to be. With careful planning, creativity, and consideration of…
Read MoreWhat are the Rights of a Custodial Parent?
A “custodial parent” is the legal term that represents the parent the child lives with for most of the calendar year. Many people refer to a custodial parent as the “primary caretaker” or “primary residential parent,” granting them numerous rights. Alternatively, the parent that spends the least amount of time with the child is called…
Read MoreSingle After Divorce: 6 Easy Ways to Recommit to Summer
Summer is here, whether our vulnerability is ready for it or not. For many of us women, single after divorce, summer can mean reading others’ out-of-office message replies and wondering where we will go now, now that we’re alone. Maybe, post-divorce we’re not feeling the smörgåsbord of summer choices we used to have. Maybe our…
Read MoreYour Ex-Husband’s Harassment: How to Deal with It Emotionally and Legally
Nobody ever talks about the harassment you face after your divorce. A common misconception is that once a woman leaves their marriage, the bullying from their Ex will stop. However, in reality, harassment, intimidation, and hostility often escalate for women who choose to leave their husbands. Rooted in an abuser’s desire for power and control,…
Read MoreHow to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless
There’s a twilight period in life when hope seems like a forgotten concept, swallowed up in the dense fog of despair. Divorce – even the mere thought of it – can feel like walking a tightrope in that very twilight. It’s the precipice of losing what you had, the leaving of what you thought was…
Read MoreSolo Travel After Divorce: Finding Yourself, Faraway
Not long after my marriage broke up at age 46, I planned a trip to Europe all by myself. I loved the idea of its adventure and its freedom — solo travel after divorce. Just before leaving, I had a conversation with my therapist, who reminded me that I now had a blank canvas on…
Read MoreDivorce for Women: Why It’s Different
For more reasons than we can explain, when it comes to the crisis of a marriage breaking up, divorce for women is different. We all know the tired cliché about a couple driving on the road and what happens when they become lost. The man will keep driving, even driving in circles, says the cliché.…
Read MoreHow to (Smartly) Plan for a Divorce When It’s Not What You Want
Even if whispered, the word “divorce” when it’s said to you can feel like a punch in the stomach, sucking the wind from your lungs and stopping your breath. Both overwhelming and shocking, you might struggle to take in its meaning, but as a river of stress floods your system, things become a blur. In…
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