Divorce Papers: What the Heck Are They?

Divorce papers by Graham for Unsplash

While no two divorces are exactly alike, one aspect always stays the same: the paperwork. You hear the term “divorce papers” casually thrown around all the time in movies, TV shows, or by gossipy neighbors. But what actually are divorce papers? It is tricky to know exactly what they are because it is such a…

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What Percentage of Marriages End in Divorce?

What percentage of marriages end in divorce?

No matter what it is, we tend to find what we’re looking for. A hypochondriac will develop symptoms of an illness they think they have. A dubious spouse will find “proof” of infidelity even if it doesn’t exist. Water molecules bloom or decompose depending on the nature of the thoughts directed at them. And if…

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How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced?

How long does it take to get a divorce by weheartit

When you want a divorce, it can’t happen fast enough. But, when you don’t want it or aren’t prepared, it can pull the rug out from under your life. The time it takes to get a divorce depends on a lot of factors — some within your control and some not. One thing that is…

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Gender Nuances for the Top Reasons for Divorce in The U.S.

Top reasons for divorce

For all the statistical data that makes it seem textbook and predictable, divorce really is an organic reflection of many factors. Everything that influences social norms, economy, and current events, for example, ultimately influences marriage and divorce. That means both the rate and top reasons for divorce have contextual relevance. Add in individual factors like…

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Help! I Am Too Afraid to Divorce!

I am too afraid to divorce

“Dear Divorce Coach, I don’t know where else to turn. I’m so unhappy in my marriage, but I am too afraid to divorce. I don’t even know if I can trust my own feelings or myself. And, if I can’t even do that, how can I make a life-altering decision like ending my marriage? How…

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Will Your Marital Separation Lead to a Divorce?

Marital separation

Is this a new beginning… or the beginning of the end? It’s the million-dollar question when it comes to marital separation. It is about space to figure things out or space to ease your way out? When your heart is aching and your head is buzzing with what to do, you’re obviously in an emotional…

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How Do You Know You’re in a Bad Marriage?

How to tell if you're in a bad marriage

So, you had a fight. All couples fight now and then. So, you can’t remember the last time you had sex. You have young kids and a full-time job, and you’re exhausted. So, you don’t talk about anything but work and the kids. What is there to say that hasn’t been said already? Is all…

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The Best Divorce Help Centers on These 4 Things

Best Divorce Help

The mere prospect of divorce can be overwhelming, lonely, isolating, and confusing. And figuring out where to get the best divorce help, regardless of whether and when you decide, can be daunting. Sometimes the most difficult part of a task is simply getting started. And that’s especially true with something as life-altering as ending a…

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