Life Challenges for Women

Browse Articles on the topic of LIFE CHALLENGES FOR WOMEN

4 Steps That Actually TRAIN Your Brain to Choose Happiness

Woman in tunnel looking at light

Stop psyching yourself out of happiness. Can you “decide” to feel truly happy? According to research from the Mayo clinic, the answer is a resounding yes! Great, right? According to the study, the key to happiness is to focus your attention on the positive. Simple, got it.  But wait … it’s not that easy, is it? (Or we’d…

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Traveling Solo as a Single Woman

Let’s face it, sitting on the sofa and rehashing all that has befallen you will only get you so far. Like, to the refrigerator? What else might be possible for you? Have you considered a change of venue – a place free from what you have known. Magical things can happen in your heart and mind…

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Caring for Elderly Parents: An Important Resource

caring for elderly parents

Our clients are women who seek to live their best lives by actively creating it. They are problem-solvers. Most of them are facing major life challenges. They are divorcées, empty nesters, widows, and women in transition. In some capacity, all of our clients are grieving. They are mourning the losses in their own lives, and…

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