Divorce Advice Articles

Divorce advice articles include insights about where you are, what you are thinking, what you fear, what’s to come, what you don’t know and, what is waiting for you.

Our articles span the spectrum ... from thinking about divorce ... to coping with it ... to recovery and recreating your life afterwards (... and yes, Virginia, there is life after divorce.) We offer more than 300 articles dedicated to the broad and specific, the rational and irrational -- the practical, financial, legal, logistical and emotional challenges you might be facing.

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Divorce Judgement

What is a Divorce Judgement?

There are many legal documents you may face during the…

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How much will my divorce cost me?

How Much Will My Divorce Cost Me, Financially & Emotionally?

Losing your marriage is difficult enough. But add to it,…

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How to file for divorce during uncertain times

How to File for Divorce During Uncertainty

Divorce is an obstacle course of flaming hoops, even under…

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What to do with a cheating spouse

What to Do with Your Cheating Spouse

What do you do with your cheating spouse? Well… nothing…

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Divorce effects on children by Unsplash

Divorce Effects on Children

When considering the consequences of divorce, effects on children are…

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Loveless marriage

Does Being in a Loveless Marriage Mean You Should Divorce?

Love is a foundational and primal need all humans have,…

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I wanted the divorce. Why am I so sad?

I Wanted the Divorce. Why Am I So Sad?

They say it takes 21 days to build a habit—a…

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Divorce Laws in Illinois

What to Know About Divorce Laws in Illinois

Divorce is difficult. There are legal processes to deal with…

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Woman with pink hat post-divorce

10 Mind-Blowingly Good Things About Life Post-Divorce

Divorce is nothing to look forward to. It’s certainly not…

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What you should never say to a divorced woman

What You Should Never Say to a Divorced Woman

From Anna, in Moscow — Living through a divorce is…

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rainbow painted escalator steps

46 Steps to Ensure Your Divorce Recovery

Divorce recovery describes the all encompassing process of emotional and practical restructuring and healing throughout the phases of divorce. It is a constant, cyclical process in which you are broken down and built back up numerous times until finally, you are whole again. Divorce recovery is painful, yes, but it is also an opportunity.

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How is Property Divided in a Divorce Settlement?

How is Property Divided in a Divorce Settlement?

During a divorce settlement, there needs to be a clear…

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To illustrate if having an affair means divorce

Does Having an Affair Mean You Will Divorce?

Having an affair—or being on the forsaken side of one—changes…

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credit: weheartit.com

Divorce in NY: What to Expect When You Go to Court for the First Time

Divorce law varies from state to state (Step 1. Google…

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Women must know about divorce in texas

6 Things a Woman Must Know About Divorce in Texas

Every state is unique in how it adjudicates divorce, adding…

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Stay at home. moms get alimony?

Do Stay-at-Home Moms Get Alimony?

Complications always arise in divorce and money negotiations. If you’re…

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Manage divorce pain

How to Manage Pain During Divorce

When we’re in the midst of the visceral and all-encompassing…

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What to know when divorcing a narcissist

7 Must-Knows When Divorcing a Narcissist

If you’ve been with a narcissist, you know the pain…

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