Divorce Advice Articles

Divorce advice articles include insights about where you are, what you are thinking, what you fear, what’s to come, what you don’t know and, what is waiting for you.

Our articles span the spectrum ... from thinking about divorce ... to coping with it ... to recovery and recreating your life afterwards (... and yes, Virginia, there is life after divorce.) We offer more than 300 articles dedicated to the broad and specific, the rational and irrational -- the practical, financial, legal, logistical and emotional challenges you might be facing.

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Thinking about advice for women

Advice for Women Who Think They Can’t Afford a Divorce

Divorce is expensive. While there is, of course, an emotional…

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Practicing self care during divorce

8 Ways to Practice Self Care During & After Divorce

We can never know what life has in store for…

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Divorce and women one woman's journey

Your Inner Voice and the 9 Warning Signs of Divorce

It’s funny because it’s true: If it were easy to…

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Contemplating divorce and coronavirus

Divorce in the Time of Coronavirus: 30 Ways to Be Prepared and Stay Committed to You

There is a lot of uncertainty right now due to…

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A person considering a marriage annulment or divorce

What is the Difference Between a Marriage Annulment and Divorce?

A marriage annulment may seem like a thing of the…

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Paintings of unapologetic women

The Apologetic vs. Unapologetic Woman

Look around. There is a tidal swell of social change…

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Woman wondering will pain of divorce ever go away

Will the Pain of Divorce Ever Go Away?

Sitting down with this question for the first time, my…

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Woman thinking about how to prepare for divorce if you are stay at home mom

How to Prepare for Divorce If You Are a Stay-At-Home-Mom

When you have built your life around your relationship and…

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How long does it take to get over a divorce

How Long Does It Take to Get Over a Divorce? And 4 Signs You are On Your Way

There’s a saying about getting over someone—that it takes half…

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Woman in the snow contempltaing managing conflict in divorce

How to Stay Calm Managing Conflict in Divorce

Divorce is a stressful process. There are battles—custody, among many…

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Two women contemplating the state of women's health around the world

Women’s Health Around the World & Why It Matters

We are no longer living when women aren’t allowed to…

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The answers to your question why my ex remarried

Why Is My Ex Remarried Already?

If you’re a recently divorced woman, then here are the…

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Woman's hand on a window thinking about why divorce hurts

Why Divorce Hurts

I think if you ask a woman why divorce hurts…

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A woman looking out at a window thinking about her unwanted divorce

What to Do If You Are Dealing with an Unwanted Divorce

Your husband took you by surprise—but not the good kind.…

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Divorce and women one woman's journey

6 Crazy Facts That Increase Your Risk of Divorce

We romanticize our relationships, ignoring all the divorce facts and…

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Man thinking about why women leave men

Why Women Leave Men

If we’re trying to understand why women leave men they…

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Getting through divorce

Seven Ways to Keep Your Sanity as You Get Through a Divorce

Getting through a divorce with our sanity intact is a…

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Divorce Support Chat Rooms as suggested by a woman with a computer

Get the Support You Deserve But Exercise Caution with Divorce Support Chat Rooms

There are so many reasons women turn to divorce support…

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