Modern Living


What are the Covid Divorce Statistics?

What are the COVID Divorce Statistics?

Divorce statistics in the US are nothing to make the…

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Emotional stagesof separation

The Emotional Stages of Separation

Nothing nips at the Achille’s heel of normalcy quite like…

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Woman searching for an online divorce support group

Joining an Online Divorce Support Group? 4 Questions to Consider Before Making Any Decisions

Divorce is one of the most difficult transitions you’ll ever…

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Should I leave my husband?

What Should I Do to Leave My Husband?

“If I know I can’t stay in this marriage, what…

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Woman on a train

Table for One: My First Trip as a Single Woman

There comes a treacherous time when we stop feeling okay…

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Love after divorce

Love After Divorce: How about a “LAT” Relationship?

It was love after divorce. But when my BF and…

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A woman thinking about her expectations of the divorce process

Deflating Your Expectations about the Divorce Process

Unpacking what you thought would happen versus what actually happened…

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Learn from divorced women

What to Learn from Powerful Divorced Women

We’re seeing a shift in the balance of power right…

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Divorce and friendships

Divorce and Friendships: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Divorce and friendships can be a tricky thing. Divorce brings…

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Sweetness of Life After Divorce

The Sweetness of Living Alone After Divorce

This piece is done in part from the first person,…

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What not do to during divorce

What Not to Do During Divorce: 7 Must Knows

Divorce, like a marriage, takes mapping and maneuvering. There’s a…

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Thinking about how to collect social security benefits from ex

Can I Collect Social Security Benefits from My Ex Spouse?

An important decision in planning for retirement is when to…

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A woman in a bathtub contemplating what divorce does to a woman

What Divorce Does to a Woman: You and Your Money

The chances are fairly good that if you are a…

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Rebuilding after divorce

How to Get Clear on Your Career After Divorce

Now that you’re moving past your divorce and thinking about…

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Founder of the quick online divorce service It's Over Easy, Laura Wasser

A Quick Online Divorce: Is It Right for You? Interview with Celeb Divorce Attorney Laura Wasser

Divorce is probably not one of your Pinterest boards, but…

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Tricky Part movie poster sexual assault awareness month male abuse

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: It’s Tricky

In Tarana Burke’s Ted Talk, the founder of the #MeToo…

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Thinking about dealing with coronavirus as a single mom

Dealing with Divorce & Coronavirus as a Single Mom

Dealing with a divorce is very hard, but dealing with…

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Will marriage become obsolete

Will Marriage Become Obsolete?

With the steady downturn in the number of new marriages…

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