Gender Nuances for the Top Reasons for Divorce in The U.S.

Top reasons for divorce

For all the statistical data that makes it seem textbook and predictable, divorce really is an organic reflection of many factors. Everything that influences social norms, economy, and current events, for example, ultimately influences marriage and divorce. That means both the rate and top reasons for divorce have contextual relevance. Add in individual factors like…

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What Does It Take to File for Divorce?

File for Divorce - What it Takes

Perhaps you want it, but he doesn’t. Perhaps he wants it, but you don’t. Perhaps you both want it. No matter who comes to the conclusion that divorce is the unfortunate destiny for your marriage, one of you has to file for divorce. It’s understandable that the process of initiating the legal end to your…

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Why You Don’t Want to Search for Cheap Divorce Lawyers

Cheap Divorce Lawyers

Cheap can be costly. And, when it comes to divorce, cheap divorce lawyers can ultimately drain your accounts—financially and emotionally. The temptation to team up with touted cost-cutters is understandable. But learn the risks and costs before throwing your trust (and future) into the bargain basket. Even in the most amicable situations, the divorce process…

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Top 6 Tips for an Amicable Divorce

Tips for Amicable Divorce

In the minds of many people, divorce and court trials are inseparable like smoke and fire. A few decades ago, this was the case. Fortunately, there are other options nowadays, namely an amicable divorce, where married couples don’t have to wage war against each other in court. After the adoption of the no-fault divorce law…

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The Best Divorce Help Centers on These 4 Things

Best Divorce Help

The mere prospect of divorce can be overwhelming, lonely, isolating, and confusing. And figuring out where to get the best divorce help, regardless of whether and when you decide, can be daunting. Sometimes the most difficult part of a task is simply getting started. And that’s especially true with something as life-altering as ending a…

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce?

How long does it take to get a divorce?

Divorce is a process, not simply a stamp of finality. How long does it take to get a divorce? Well, that depends… on factors both within and outside your control. You may want a divorce yesterday, but even the speediest dissolutions are at the mercy of your state’s divorce laws. And, even if the court…

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Is Exploring a Cheap Divorce in Your Best Interest?

Is Cheap Divorce worth it?

With divorce fees averaging a whopping $13,000 in the U.S., many couples tend to postpone their divorce until they are ready to fork up the cash for a good lawyer, or they stay trapped in a marriage, believing there is no way out. The truth is that the perfect time may never come. However, remaining…

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What is a Divorce Judgement?

Divorce Judgement

There are many legal documents you may face during the course of the divorce process. These may include those certified or sworn by the parties and the judge’s orders. This article will explain what a Divorce Judgement is as well as what other legal documents you may encounter. Keep in mind that a Divorce Judgement…

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