Contemplating Divorce

Should I divorce? Should I stay for the kids? How will I survive?

Browse Articles on the topic of Contemplating Divorce

Will My Spouse Get My IRA in a Divorce?

Will my spouse get my IRA in a divorce?

Divorce can have a serious impact on your life and in particular your retirement plan. More often than not, when you go through a divorce, a large percentage of your shared assets include your retirement accounts. This often leads to the question, “Will my spouse get my IRA in a divorce?” In this article, I…

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Divorce Papers: What the Heck Are They?

Divorce papers by Graham for Unsplash

While no two divorces are exactly alike, one aspect always stays the same: the paperwork. You hear the term “divorce papers” casually thrown around all the time in movies, TV shows, or by gossipy neighbors. But what actually are divorce papers? It is tricky to know exactly what they are because it is such a…

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Same-Sex Marriage and Divorce in Australia

same sex marriage and divorce in Australia

After more than a decade of formal parliamentary debate and 22 rejected Senate bills, same-sex marriage was legalized in Australia on December 9, 2017. This followed a voluntary postal survey of all Australians where 61.6% of respondents supported the legalization of same-sex marriage. The Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017 redefines marriage in…

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9 Kick-Ass Things To Do If Your Husband Leaves You

What to do if your husband leaves you

Adulting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when painful adult experiences throw you back into an emotional childhood. If your husband leaves you, for example, you may feel the somatic eruption of memories from long ago. Abandonment. Disapproval. Rejection. Being unwanted… and the last to be chosen (if chosen at all). It’s remarkable,…

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5 Self-Saving Ways to Stop Gaslighting Yourself

stop gaslighting yourself

Ahh, the gaslighters of the world! They brighten or dampen the flame according to their own agenda and leave their targets rubbing their eyes and wondering… what just happened? It’s subtle at times, egregiously blatant at others. But it’s always a twisted manipulation that makes you second-guess yourself. And, once you’ve become accustomed to doubting…

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The Stages of Surviving An Affair

Surviving an Affair

Relationships can be complicated. At the very least, they’re complex because people are complex. And at no time is that more evident than when a married couple is in the throes of surviving an affair. This includes opposing sides of the betrayal, and a possible re-negotiation of commitment to the marriage. Infidelity used to be…

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Top Reasons for Divorce. Are You Living This?

Top reasons for divorce

Suspicious of getting trapped in a marriage that might erode, my friend and I used to joke that we could get our peers to leave a perfectly good relationship. In remaining single, we weren’t necessarily afraid of the infamous “Top Five Reasons” for divorce. It was more of a disinclination to trade freedom for emotional…

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Why Is Divorce So Hard to Get Started?

Why Is Divorce So Hard to Get Started?

It’s so easy to get the relationship started. Infatuation and love just course along on instinct, never missing a beat. Even when there are stumbles, as there always are, you somehow know how to fill the potholes and move forward. But what happens when those “stumbles” turn into roadblocks, dead ends, and impenetrable traffic jams?…

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