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How to Talk to a Narcissist Without Going Crazy

how to talk to a narcissist without going crazy by unsplash

Narcissists function on a core frequency of mental dysfunction and psychological avoidance. They don’t want to heal, and they don’t want to change. They don’t want to grow. Therefore, they use a number of tactics to twist and distort reality, which almost always results in you being misperceived (that is, if you give them the…

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How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer

How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer

Getting a divorce can be a lonely, overwhelming process. Navigating it alone can make it even more frightening. If you, like a lot of women, experienced a power challenge in your marriage (perhaps your spouse handled all the finances, or was a bully, or hid things, or lied), these are still more reasons why you…

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Divorce Papers: What the Heck Are They?

Divorce papers by Graham for Unsplash

While no two divorces are exactly alike, one aspect always stays the same: the paperwork. You hear the term “divorce papers” casually thrown around all the time in movies, TV shows, or by gossipy neighbors. But what actually are divorce papers? It is tricky to know exactly what they are because it is such a…

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What’s a New Name for Your Ex? A Cathartic Comedy

New names for your Ex

They say it’s hard to know what to buy for someone who has everything. By the same token, it’s hard to know what to call a spouse whose exit from our daily lives and those of our children seems to shatter everything. Sometimes, though, it’s gleefully easy to call your Ex any number of names. But…

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5 Self-Saving Ways to Stop Gaslighting Yourself

stop gaslighting yourself

Ahh, the gaslighters of the world! They brighten or dampen the flame according to their own agenda and leave their targets rubbing their eyes and wondering… what just happened? It’s subtle at times, egregiously blatant at others. But it’s always a twisted manipulation that makes you second-guess yourself. And, once you’ve become accustomed to doubting…

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What is an Amicable Divorce? 5 Ways to Ensure One

Amicable Divorce

When seeking a divorce, many couples do everything within their power to simplify the process. And the simplest solution is an amicable divorce, which may significantly facilitate the overall proceedings. And yet, it may not be that easy to reach an agreement regarding all your divorce-related issues, especially following a heated breakup. Nevertheless, there are…

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