36 Things to Do If You Are Thinking About Divorce

Woman walking on beach thinking about divorce

If you are thinking about divorce, your thoughts can fluctuate, ranging from the mere, fleeting imaginings of what life might be like if you were single, to the repetitive, torturous thought process of “Should I or shouldn’t I divorce?” While one end of the spectrum is entirely normal for many people, the other end can…

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Five Things I Did Not Learn From My Divorce

Five Things I Did Not Learn From My Divorce

As a man who has been through two divorces, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Huh, there are only five things he didn’t learn?” Truth be known there’s probably many, many more, ask my two ex-wives. Having a strictly religious upbringing, I was taught that marriage is a perfect and sacred arrangement from God, and it…

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What is a 70/30 Custody Schedule?

What is a 70/30 Custody Schedule?

Divorce is hard, but dealing with a divorce and child custody can be overwhelming and emotionally triggering. Let’s face it, this isn’t about splitting your money (though that’s infuriating, too). This is about your children, their future, and your access to them now. Every parent is worried about how to co-parent and make the best…

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How to Walk Away from an Ex

How to Walk Away from an Ex

It’s happening. It doesn’t matter if you have been thinking about this, or if it was forced on you. When it comes to walking away from your Ex in the case of a divorce or breakup, the stress and fear of change come with you. They can rattle you to your bones. So many things…

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What is a Divorce Photoshoot? And Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?

What is a Divorce Photoshoot? And Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?

You may remember the “Drive-Thru Wedding” trend that was so popular for couples during the pandemic, where lovebirds got hitched without ever leaving their car. But now, the latest hot trend is for divorced women—introducing the divorce photoshoot, a celebration of new beginnings after one of the most difficult times in their lives. As they…

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What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

A custody battle is exactly what it sounds like. It is a high-conflict court case where the parties are litigating who should have custody of the children. It can lead to extreme stress, anger, hostility, mistrust in one another, and frequently, mistrust in the judicial system tasked with making and enforcing important decisions for your…

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Is My Marriage Over?

Is My Marriage Over?

Lola hasn’t had it easy the past six months. Her husband, Ivan, is currently recovering from his fourth spinal op, and it looks like there’s going to be a long journey ahead before he’s well again. What started as a simple procedure to fix the pain he was experiencing has turned into a nightmare, with…

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What You Really Want to Say Now That You Are Divorced

What You Really Want to Say Now That You Are Divorced

So, you have weathered the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical storms of your divorce, and if you have somehow reached the part when the sun comes out and the birds sing again—well, that´s great, hats off to you. But you may still be struggling with your new identity, financial reality, and all the practical…

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What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

I remember distinctly what I wore to court a quarter of a century ago when my divorce was finalized. It was a simple black just-over-the-knee dress subtly patterned with little pink roses, flesh-colored pantyhose, and sensible black low-heeled pumps. Over the dress, I wore a smart black jacket. I’d cut my hair recently into a…

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What is the Average Marriage Length in the USA?

What is the Average Marriage Length in the USA?

I don’t know about you, but before I got married I never thought about how long my marriage would last. I assumed it would be–––FOREVER. As a little girl, I always imagined that was just how the fairy tale was supposed to go. Let’s just say, I’m much older now and fairy tales don’t look…

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