Hiring a Mediation Attorney Can Save You Money in Divorce

Hiring a Mediation attorney

It’s a common divorce fear: you will end up in court, and your lawyer will argue endlessly while the meter on legal fees will spin out of control. With each passing second, you’ll be losing money and seemingly, losing control of your life. Even now, imagining this scenario may activate your stress hormones. Mediation offers…

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Understanding the Difference Between Coparenting and Parallel Parenting

Understanding the Difference Between Coparenting and Parallel Parenting

Of all the complexities, strategies, and obligations involved in a divorce, none are as important as those involving children. The ability (or inability) of the parting couple to put their children above their own grievances is critical to the final arrangement. It’s also the essential difference between coparenting and parallel parenting. Custody arrangements script more…

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Why You Don’t Want to Search for Cheap Divorce Lawyers

Cheap Divorce Lawyers

Cheap can be costly. And, when it comes to divorce, cheap divorce lawyers can ultimately drain your accounts—financially and emotionally. The temptation to team up with touted cost-cutters is understandable. But learn the risks and costs before throwing your trust (and future) into the bargain basket. Even in the most amicable situations, the divorce process…

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Dating After Divorce: When Your Kids Say NO

Dating after divorce when the kids say no

When it’s finally over, when you now check off a new box for “marital status,” what becomes of love? You are officially divorced, but will you ever experience love again? Do you even have the energy for it? The only way to find out, of course, is to educate—and risk—your heart. And that means dating.…

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Help! I Am Too Afraid to Divorce!

I am too afraid to divorce

“Dear Divorce Coach, I don’t know where else to turn. I’m so unhappy in my marriage, but I am too afraid to divorce. I don’t even know if I can trust my own feelings or myself. And, if I can’t even do that, how can I make a life-altering decision like ending my marriage? How…

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Telling Your Husband You Want a Divorce When He Doesn’t

Telling your husband you want a divoce when he doesn't by Weheartit a

When your marriage reaches a great divide, you can only hope that you are both on the same page for the same reasons. Civility would be the cherry on top to make something upending seem at least survivable. But divorce isn’t the conclusion to a perfect marriage, so expecting such an alignment between imminent exes…

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Living On Less After Divorce

Living on less after divorce

The statistics about a woman’s financial well-being after a divorce are notoriously grim. There is no question that divorce often leaves women with a sharply reduced income. And if they have primary custody of their children, which is sometimes the case, they are more hamstrung in their ability to earn than they would be with…

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Why A Good Divorce is Better Than a Bad Marriage

Why a Good Divorce is Better Than a Bad Marriage by weheartit.com

Many couples would rather stay married than face the reality of the unknown that divorce brings. For many, divorce can also lead to feelings of guilt or shame or even failure. And yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you are stuck in a bad marriage, a divorce is the better option for…

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