The Apologetic vs. Unapologetic Woman

Paintings of unapologetic women

Look around. There is a tidal swell of social change that’s rising because women are looking at themselves differently. We are putting more value in our own perspective on ourselves, rather than focusing on what others think. Looking at divorce differently, too—as a means of leveraging possibility and coming through the heat of it with…

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Will the Pain of Divorce Ever Go Away?

Woman wondering will pain of divorce ever go away

Sitting down with this question for the first time, my immediate response was a smile that I felt in my solar plexus. Will the pain of divorce ever go away? Of course it will—no hesitation there. But that doesn’t mean that leaving or being left by a spouse and coming to grips with the aftermath…

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How to Prepare for Divorce If You Are a Stay-At-Home-Mom

Woman thinking about how to prepare for divorce if you are stay at home mom

When you have built your life around your relationship and family—even considering leaving that life behind can make you feel like a complete fraud. So how do you prepare for divorce if you are a stay at home mom? (Or STAHM.) When, sometimes, it seems like the real question you’re asking yourself is less should…

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How to Stay Calm Managing Conflict in Divorce

Woman in the snow contempltaing managing conflict in divorce

Divorce is a stressful process. There are battles—custody, among many others—which take negative emotions to new heights. Managing conflict in divorce is tricky. One wrong turn and you’re headed down resentment road. It’s natural to get frustrated even while trying to be calm and cool. When a marriage ends, you have to make so many…

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Why Is My Ex Remarried Already?

The answers to your question why my ex remarried

If you’re a recently divorced woman, then here are the things you’re likely focusing on: self-improvement, just getting through this painful chapter so you can move forward, reconnecting with old friends and finding new ones, and well, dating, eventually. Unanswered questions and half-formed plans may be swirling throughout your mind, but something you weren’t expecting…

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Why Divorce Hurts

Woman's hand on a window thinking about why divorce hurts

I think if you ask a woman why divorce hurts so much, she’d probably ask you in return, “Um, how much time do you have?” But there’s also the chance that she might recoil from you—unless you’re her close friend or a family member and you have a large tub of ice cream nearby—because of…

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6 Crazy Facts That Increase Your Risk of Divorce

Divorce and women one woman's journey

We romanticize our relationships, ignoring all the divorce facts and advice out there in favor of writing our own story. That story is the one you pull out when a friend, family member, or coworker asks you that dreaded question: what happened? It’s a question that’s almost impossible to answer because relationships are not linear,…

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Why Women Leave Men

Man thinking about why women leave men

If we’re trying to understand why women leave men they love—often digging up their roots after years of emotional cultivation—maybe we should first ask what we’re seeking from a long-term, committed relationship to begin with. Both women and men seek marriage and other forms of partnership. The search isn’t exclusive to those of us with…

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