Life After Divorce

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Divorce for Women: Why It’s Different

Divorce for Women: Why It’s Different

For more reasons than we can explain, when it comes to the crisis of a marriage breaking up, divorce for women is different.  We all know the tired cliché about a couple driving on the road and what happens when they become lost. The man will keep driving, even driving in circles, says the  cliché.…

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Dating After Gray Divorce: Must-Knows for Thinking Women

Dating After Gray Divorce: Must-Knows for Thinking Women

We’ve followed our gut instinct, embraced the chaos, and gotten the divorce after decades of marriage. We’ve upended everything we knew and encountered many things we didn’t. Now, we’ve run smack into what many think might be the worst of the what-next: dating after gray divorce. Challenging the Notions of “Gray Dating” & Exploring the…

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The Financial Fallout of Divorce on a Woman: Its Emotional Impact

The Financial Fallout of Divorce on a Woman: Its Emotional Impact

Divorce is never an easy journey, and the financial fallout can be tough, especially for women. As a strong, educated woman, you might find yourself grappling with new financial responsibilities and the emotional impact that comes with it. We’re here to offer you advice, insights, and, most importantly, hope for coping and thriving beyond divorce.…

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Divorce Rituals: Honoring Your Big Change

Divorce Rituals: Honoring Your Big Change

When struggling through a divorce, many women look down the road and envision their final divorce decree as their ultimate goal, the culminating prize, the fabled finish line that will signal they have done it: they survived the divorce marathon! It’s natural that this is the case, as so many steps are procedural with divorce.…

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